
L’Oreal Leading The ‘Green’ Way

L’Oréal continues to demonstrate their commitment to being an environmentally and socially responsible company by recently announcing greater goals of green operations. Aligning with the buzz of Earth week, L’Oréal just announced three big initiatives to be reached by 2015, which include reducing waste, water usage and greenhouse gas emissions by 50% in factories and warehouses. The public announcement of these monstrous goals couldn’t make us more proud. It clearly helps set the precedence for the importance of having an eco-responsible business model.

“At the dawn of the 21st century, the world’s leading beauty company needs to be an authentic example in terms of sustainable development. This long-term, self-imposed commitment sets the bar high and we intend to put all our forces behind it to ensure that we rise to the challenge,” comments Jean-Paul Agon, CEO of L’Oréal.

Already L’Oréal has made progress in the way of reduction and sustainability by changing operations to be more environmentally conscious, and these new goals are a benchmark that will set them above the rest. Another company leading by example, encouraging consciousness and changing the way organizations own up to the impact of their business operations is such a powerful statement to the world. Although, it is crucial for large organizations to take such impactful steps towards change we here at LadyLUX hope this story inspires you, the individual, to find how you can reduce your carbon footprint and take action today!

Live. Love. Lux.


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